Friday, January 10, 2014

Frequently Asked Questions About Insurance

By Maryl Joop

Always strive to keep a dry environment in your Lawrenceville, GA, home. Whether you live in an extremely humid area, or were recently flooded, excessive moisture in the air is bad for your home because it can spur the growth of mold spore.

Insurance can be a complicated and intricate industry and for those who are not dealing with insurance on a day to day basis, the complexities of the insurance world can make them feel like they are at a disadvantage when it comes time to purchase a new insurance policy or upgrade an existing insurance policy. In an effort to help in this muddled confusion concerning insurance, some of the most frequently asked questions about insurance are listed below with their associated answers.

Upgrades and improvements made to your home not only increase the value of your residence, they may also save you some money every year on your insurance. Some minor improvements like better locks on your doors or better exterior lighting may save you a few dollars. Other major improvements will cost some money to install, but can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in insurance premiums over the life of your home.

Repairs to your roof, upgraded wiring, and better windows and doors are among some of the primary improvements that may save you some money. You may also consider installing or upgrading your security system and including a monitoring system. Good monitoring systems not only alert you in the event of a home intrusion, they can also detect leaks and turn off the source before your home is flooded or filled with gas.

Another common question concerning insurance is what liability coverage is and would a person need to include those options in their auto and home insurance policies. Often, people who do not fully understand liability insurance will opt to have that coverage axed from their auto or home insurance policies so that they can have a lower monthly premium.

The second thing you can do to stop mold growth in the home is to remove sitting water from the room. To do this, find places where water sits or frequently builds up and drain that water or dry it up if it ever builds up again.

If a person files a lawsuit against a policy owner and is awarded money from that suit, often times a person's home or auto liability insurance will cover the costs of the awarded funds so that the lawsuit does not drive the policy owner into bankruptcy. This, however, leads directly into another common question about insurance-what is umbrella insurance and why is it needed?

Place it in the middle of the room to allow it the best chance of gathering moist air. If your air conditioning is blowing, it will push the air towards the center of the room-straight to the de-humidifier; and in places with high humidity, turn it on daily.

Whatever your situation, the best way to get a discount is to actually speak to your insurance agent about your policy. Frequently, insurance companies have discounts and savings available, but only if you ask for them. Discuss your options and ask about potential savings from bundling your various insurance policies.

These and other questions are frequently asked by individuals like Susanne who wish to be armed with the power that knowledge in insurance gives. A person can be better able to navigate their own insurance needs by striving to learn for themselves the various ins and outs of the world of insurance.

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