Saturday, July 20, 2019

Benefits Of Using Hard Money Lending

By Barbara Lee

You have probably noticed that in recent years traditional bank loans have become hard to access. With higher rates of people receiving bad credit, big banks are not willing to risk their cash. Lucky enough, real estate investors and homeowners can still get loans from non-institutional lenders. Hard money lending is one of the most popular options for those who do not qualify for traditional financing.

If you have tried applying for loans through traditional lenders like banks, it can take longer to get a response from the institution. It is worse when it takes that long, and your loan ends up being rejected. Non-conventional financing, on the other hand, does not have all the requirements banks will need. The process is pretty simple, and funds are available within a short period of filling out a standard application form.

Offers from a real estate investor are stronger when using non-institutional financing. It is particularly useful in situations where the property gets multiple offers from people with bank loans. Usually, the non-conventional loan stands out. For those who have been in the realty industry long enough will hear about banks pulling financing from buyers at the last minute. This puts the deal in jeopardy.

During loan approvals, banks basically consider the credit score and income of borrowers. For borrowers who do not have a clear income history, getting loans from those institutions can be very difficult. It is even worse when your credit score is not perfect. Instead of struggling to keep up with these conditions, non-institutional lenders can provide the much-needed financial support to keep you going.

When you are in a distressed financial situation, nothing makes life more difficult than banks trying to check your income history. In addition, conventional financing options will require perfect credit scores to provide loans. Bearing in mind the world itself is not perfect; this becomes a stumbling block to many borrowers. Non-institutional lenders come in handy to save investors with poor credit scores and no income history.

The primary focus of a hard-money lender is the value of the property a borrower wants to buy. If you are wondering why they do not get concerned with credit scores of borrowers, it is because the property becomes collateral for the loan the borrower receives. In that regard, make sure the equity and valuation of the property make the lender comfortable that they will get their money back at stipulated interests.

Sufficient cash is a great thing when investing in the real estate sector. This is especially when buying multiple properties. To begin with, more of your offers will be accepted at highly competitive prices. This is because the seller is sure of closing the deal as soon as possible. Further still, all-cash auctions often have good offers but require cash.

Hard-money lenders focus on the asset being bought. Therefore, when your record is recently tainted with issues relating to bankruptcies, foreclosures or loan modifications, the lenders will still give you a loan as long as the asset is worth the risk. Banks and other traditional institutions will, unfortunately, classify the application as a non-conforming loan.

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