Tuesday, September 4, 2018

What To Know About Bankruptcy CA

By Sandra Baker

There are many reasons why a person may want to become bankrupt. For starters, they may want to get the protection of the court from creditors. Secondly, they may need a legal solution to their debt problem. In care of foreclosure, someone can file for bankruptcy to stop the foreclosure process. Whatever the reason, it is always recommended you hire a competent lawyer to help you out with bankruptcy CA.

You can become bankrupt either voluntarily or involuntarily. If you are seeking the protection of the court, you can decide to become bankrupt voluntarily. However, creditors can decide to ask the court to declare you bankrupt to initiate debt recovery processes. This means that you will become bankrupt involuntarily.

Individual debtors can get rid of their bad debts conveniently through debt reorganization under chapter 13. This chapter makes it possible for debtors to retain their assets as they make monthly payments. After a few years of making regular monthly payments, all unpaid debts are forgiven. However, the debtor must have a reliable income to qualify for this chapter.

When you are not able to service your debts due to lack of a reliable income, your only option for resolving your debt problem is filing a chapter 7. This will require the trustee to liquidate your assets and distribute the proceeds of the sale to your creditors. Once your assets have been sold, you will get debt forgiveness. It is important to note that business debtors with no income can also file for this chapter.

The best lawyers in the industry are those with a lot of experience in the industry. Be sure to compare the years of experience of different lawyers and give priority to the most experienced legal services providers. Lawyers that have handled many similar cases in the past know how to get the best outcomes for the client. That is why they should always be given priority consideration.

If you own a company that is deep in debt, you can either decide to wind it up through chapter 7, or try to save it under chapter 11. To qualify for chapter 11, the business must have a steady income source that can be used to service the debt in question. After being declared bankrupt, the business will be managed under the supervision of the court through the trustee.

It is important to note that once you have become bankrupt, you will not be able to borrow any loans for some time. This is because most lenders will refuse to approve your loan application on the account that you have a tainted history. Firms that may be willing to lend you money, on the other hand, will quote higher rates of interest and unfavorable terms. Getting a better job or renting a business premise or home will also become extremely challenging.

Bankruptcy is always an option of last resort. When you find yourself in financial problems, be sure to consider debt consolidation and debt refinancing before you think about becoming bankrupt. These are better options for getting rid of your debts. However, they can only work if the debts you have are sustainable.

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