Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bobby Jain & Financial Health Via Smartphones

By Rebecca Mills

It's apparent that smartphones are high-powered and they are only going to get stronger in due time. For many people, these devices are able to carry out a number of different endeavors; many people can click onto a food-related app and place an order right then and there. In fact, financial matters can be covered as well, which Bobby Jain and others cannot ignore.

USA Today put forth a report that went into detail about smartphone usage, more specifically on the financial side of things. The Federal Reserve showed results of a survey and, according to the specifics attached to it, half of all American people seem to utilize their mobile devices in order to monitor their bank accounts. What this means is that, regardless of the size of any purchase made, bank accounts can be checked almost instantly. Apps like these have more than proven themselves to be practical.

You are familiar with how your bank statement arrives at your house and the fact that it is done every month. With apps like these set in place, you do not have to wait nearly as long, which is especially useful when given the fact that patience isn't exactly the strong suit of most. Yes, bank statements themselves may come into play for referential purposes but this doesn't necessarily mean that they can't be used for other reasons. It's just a matter of smartphones, and their apps, being more accessible by comparison.

It's not just a matter of monitoring bank accounts, either, as Bobby Jain will be able to tell you. Various financial authorities like Jain can state that many apps are able to help people set goals and monitor how far along they are to being achieved. What about the idea of tracking checks that have been sent out? It's ideas like these that help to make the mobile front attractive and even those who wouldn't have thought of utilizing smartphones for this purpose have gotten onboard.

It's apparent that the popularity associated with mobile devices is quite high and I do not think that anyone can say differently. They are able to go about a number of endeavors, many of which aren't even related to financial assistance. However, when it comes to finance, you can be certain that they will be able to fulfill a number of tasks, which is only accentuated by the fact that certain apps are rather simple by design. Smartphones have become essential, in many cases, and I do not see this changing anytime soon.

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