Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Truth About The Obama Credit Card Debt Relief Bill - Credit Debt Relief

By Frank Miller

As more and more people are falling into debt, debt settlement as a solution to become debt free has become widely popular. And to perform this task a lot of relief firms are now in business in the current financial market. If you are one of those who are looking for a debt relief firm then there are some important pieces of advices that you should take into account.

Let's get one thing straight here. There is no Obama credit card debt relief bill, nor is the government going to underwrite any of your debts. In reality, back in September 2010 the Federal Trade Committee (FTC) made some interesting changes to the law in an effort to counter the abuses in which some companies were participating. Some debt relief companies where charging substantial upfront fees and then under-delivering on the relief element. As there were so many people signing up to debt settlement programs some of the companies simply accepted everybody's case, even if there was no hope of making a good settlement. They did this was because regardless of the end result the settlement company would receive payment. Indeed in some cases they even dragged out the settlement process and made substantial profits by charging the debtors servicing charges, as well as the upfront fees. By 2010 things were really out of control. So the FTC was forced to do something about it. As a result a new law was introduced, offering the debtor substantial financial assurances upon entering a debt settlement scheme.

These companies cannot charge any upfront fee. They can only charge a fee once they have significantly reduced at least one of their client's credit card bills. Also, they can only receive the fee once the debtor has made at least one payment to the credit card company which has been settled with the debt settlement agency. Furthermore, the bill and the fee have to be proportionate to the amount of money which has been reduced. Finally, a special bank account is opened upon signing up to the credit card debt settlement program. The good thing about this is that it is under the control of the client at all times.

You can fully count on the relief networks because they are introduced by the government to keep the regulation of legitimate companies in the society. Their purpose is to monitor all the legitimate debt relief companies and see if they are working properly. All of the member companies bear an ethical and moral standard so that consumers hire them without any hesitation. Relief networks will provide you with a relief firm which best suits your requirement. In whichever State you are and in whatever kind of financial situation you are in they will first do some fact checking and then they will provide you with a debt relief firm that best fits in your case.

For legitimate relief networks, it is not necessary that they make attractive websites and offer unbelievable offers. Their businesses are already flourishing just because they are the members of relief networks. They do not go on telling every consumer that their case can easily be handled. First they analyze the debt situation of a particular consumer and then tell him what part they can play in that situation to make consumers free from debt. Not only they negotiate with the creditors on their customer's behalf but they also provide them with valuable advises so that they can attain a good financial future. If a consumer's case has not gone out of hands and it can be managed with an organized plan, then they won't perform any relief programs but they will provide the consumer with a budget plan so that his debt can be eliminated and he is taught a lesson on how to manage his income and expenses.

While there are many great credit debt relief options out there, including debt settlement, it is up to you to do some research before getting a credit debt settlement company to make representations on your behalf. Also keep a keen eye on the credit debt relief process in order to make sure it moves smoothly. So forget about President Obama. When it comes to settling your debts you are on your own. However, thanks to the changes in the credit card debt law, as long as you take these tactical steps you can make great credit debt relief savings by signing up to a credit card debt settlement program.

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