Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Getting A Raise From Work & 3 Tips By Bobby Jain

By Katie Onson

It goes without saying that come companies distribute raises differently than others. Many go about this process on a year-to-year basis, which is fair to say. However, other companies may actually have to be contacted consistently in order for results to be found. What if you are struggling with earning raises or you believe that your raises are not as substantial as you would like? Bobby Jain will be able to bring your attention to this list of 3 tips, each of them worth following.

First of all, Bobby Jain will tell you that it is crucial to get in touch with your boss. While you may not want to outright ask for a raise at this point, try and see what he or she believes to be outstanding performance. See how it compares to the work that you do from day to day and adjust your efforts accordingly. The more that you are aware of this point, according to names like Jain, the easier it will be for you to earn a raise from your job months down the road.

Let's say that you belong to a specific profession; how much are others in said profession making, you may wonder? If you decide to research this matter, you may be surprised by the kinds of details that you can pick up on and it is likely that this will make you all the more persistent when attaining raises. If you aren't being paid as much as what is listed, keep trying to earn raises. It is likely that, sooner or later, your pleas will be answered.

Evaluate the attitude that you bring into the fold as an employee. There are many workers who are able to maintain a strong atmosphere; these are the individuals who are likelier to earn raises when it comes time for evaluations to be done. On the other hand, workers who might contribute to morale in negative ways are unlikely to be compensated for their efforts. If you believe that you aren't smiling enough or come across as impatient, see if you can better your personality overall.

Seeing as how there are many factors that go into how raises are attained, maybe you have a better idea of what you can do to help yourself. Perhaps you should shift your attitude in order for it to be more positive in the workplace. You could also conduct research in order to see how exactly others, in your line of work, are being compensated. These tips are worth keeping in mind, especially if you believe that you are capable of making more.

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